Chennai: Contrary to popularly held belief, Short term memory loss (STML), supposedly a one-in-a-thousand case, is not all that rare, and in fact, is widely prevalent among college students, according to one of the studies conducted here recently by Association of Part Time College Lecturers.
Short Term Memory Loss, a strange affliction, shot into prominence recently after it was known that Mr.Sanjay Ramaswamy,CEO, Air Voice Intl, too was affected by the same problem. People may recall that Sanjay Ramaswamy was found frolicking in the lawns of a women's hostel with a lot of girls without any apparent reason. It was explained

cannot remember anything beyond 15 minutes,and people
with this disorder can even lead normal lives.
But the College Lecturers' Association President, in a press conference, refuted all that is popularly known about Short Term Memory Loss. " It is wrong to say that this is a rare disease.In fact all the college students have this problem." he said."You slap a fine on a student Rs.500 for talking to a girl and within 20 minutes,the same boy goes and talks to the same girl, without worrying about fines. If this is not Short Term memory Loss,then what is this?" he thundered.
Some of the professors also privately concede that the disease has gone far too deep to be remedied. "Most of the boys have this problem and it is high time this is recognized and treated on a war footing. This has to be treated on par with AIDS",
said one of the professors,looking very concerned.
Students, for their part, did not look perturbed about the findings of the study and some even seemed to welcome it.
One of the students asked, "If it is true that we are affected by Short Term memory Loss,then we should be allowed to carry an Instamatic Camera, because it is a must. Will the university allow this?"
When asked for comments, the University officer looked nonchalant. "We are not going to worry about the demands of the students", he said casually,"because the students themselves are going to forget their demands in 15 minutes!".
-Our college correspondent
[Courtesy : Colleger]
nice stuff man :) keep up the good work!
thx pre... i ll write my original article when the time is right
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